

Sharing the experience of using physical silicone dolls

Nowadays, many people have heard of physical silicone dolls, but there are still many people who have not used physical dolls. So what is the experience of using physical silicone dolls? The entity doll network will share with you some real experiences and feelings of baby friends today.
Sharing the experience of using physical silicone dolls

sex doll friend A

    I think there are many advantages of physical silicone dolls. First of all, it is lifelike and beautiful. In reality, such a beauty may not even look at me, but physical silicone dolls can satisfy our desire. Not only can we have her, but we can also be with her and have sex with her!

    I bought a lot of clothes for my physical silicone doll, and often let her play different roles and experience different excitement. The experience is one word, great!
silicone baby dolls for sale
sex doll friend B

    It’s been a long time since I bought my physical silicone doll. When I bought it, the joints still couldn’t move. Although the experience of using it was quite real and it felt good to touch, it’s a pity that I didn’t move to change more positions. This is her. One of the shortcomings of it.

    I decided, now I’m saving money, next time I’m going to buy a better one, the joints can move freely.

sex doll Friends C

    Regarding the experience of using physical silicone dolls, I am very satisfied. The only regret is the weight. At present, it seems that physical silicone dolls cannot avoid the weight problem. If you want to be real and beautiful, you must bear her weight.

sex doll friend D

    Bought cheap and expensive. A few hundred yuan cheaper, the one that appeared in the background may not be regarded as a physical silicone doll, but a semi-physical doll. The experience was very poor, and it was lost later. Next, I bought a few thousand physical silicone dolls. This time, they are very beautiful. They look like a celebrity. They are very good-looking. I am very satisfied. The experience is also very good.
silicone love doll
sex doll Friends E

    If you can, buy physical silicone dolls and try to choose ones that can be heated, so that the experience will be better in winter! The head sculpture of this physical silicone doll I bought is very delicate! Like a fairy descending to the earth, beautiful! As for the experience, yes, I am very satisfied. The only regret is that she can’t speak. Some people often think, if she can become a living person, it would be great!

Summary: In general, the experience of using the physical silicone doll is great. She is very beautiful and sexy. It is hard not to be liked. In addition, the material is very soft, comfortable to touch, and the key parts are extremely analogous to real people. It feels very good, very close to the real doll price

Post time: Oct-28-2021